Monday, April 27, 2009

Trying New Things

While we did try new things this last week, it wasn't starfish. We found this 18 legged creature on the beach at my sister's house. Amongst a sea of rocks and sea weed, this stuck out!

This one is just for perspective...he was huge!

Here's my sister's neighborhood, Salmon Beach.

And her house. It still looks a little rough around the edges, but the inside is now beautiful, thanks to Jon! :)

So the new thing was rice cereal! I'm not sure Evie likes trying new things yet. I don't know...what do you think?

I think what she's trying to communicate is that she would rather eat her bib than the cereal. We decided to let her try some, because she is absolutely fascinated by eating. She watches the spoon rise to my mouth, then she watches me chew, all with a wide open mouth stare. It's quite funny. But considering she actually swallowed maybe 10% of what we fed her, and she seemed to say, "EWWWW What on earth are you feeding me?!?!" with her face, I think we might wait a few more weeks before we try some more. :) 

1 comment:

  1. That learning how to eat new foods is hard work! Hannah's been much better at adapting than Heidi ever was, but we're still at a very small percentage of solids. Maybe by my 6th or 7th I'll have the feeding thing figured out!
