Monday, April 20, 2009


Ok ladies, I need your experience...

Should I be concerned that I seemed to be losing more hair every day than I can possibly grow!? Or is it one of those post-pregnancy adjustment things? My hair is everywhere, and I don't know how I have any left on my head!


  1. Most likely. As long as you still seem to have some attached to your head, you're probably fine. I know it maybe hard to convince you of it, but it's true.
    And now you need to get used the idea because it will be a perpetual state of losing and growing back for all your child-bearing!

    Next to finding gobs of hair in places I hoped never to find any hair at all... I sincerely dislike those short little wisps that stick straight out of my head once it starts growing in again!!!

    Good LUCK Friend;-P

  2. Yes Jana, it is a post-pregnancy thing. I lost enough to make a wig or two after both my girls! From what I read, you don't lose as many hairs as normal while you are pregnant, and then, a few months after baby is born, you lose it all at once. You should have some left when you're done, but if you're really worried, you could save it up and make a wig for yourself. How easy would that be for a Momma? No need to style every day, just stick on your hair and it's done!

  3. Well, I am a little relieved to hear that I'm normal...even if I end up bald! ;)
    Shauna, I love it! After a few more children, I bet I'd have enough for a wig!

  4. Yeah, but do you really relish the thought of wearing hair you pulled out of the hair brush, bathtub drain, and last nights spaghetti?
    In my opinion (humble as it may be) the thought of wearing hair from the bathtub drain takes a bit of the charm out of the instant "do" idea!
    (Thanks though Shauna - I will be sure to enjoy YOURS if you ever get around to it!)

    -Hey! Remember those old hair art thing-a-ma-bobber's the Victorian gals made? Wreaths and such? Maybe if you made some of those you could enjoy last nights spaghetti hanging up on the wall!!

  5. Oh goodness. You crack me up. Yes, I do believe the hair might be in rough shape after all the "harvesting" from strange places!
