Sunday, October 3, 2010


5 wks old!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Liberty Faith

Born August 27th, 7 lbs 1 oz, 19 3/4 inches long.
The little girl surprised us all, mommy especially! I thought for sure she was going to be a boy! So much for motherly intuition! She arrived late in the evening after a short labor (thank you, Lord!). So far, our little family is adjusting well (after getting over a nasty bout of stomach flu!). Evie loves "baby wib-uh-tee" and likes to keep me posted on whether or not she's "coo-eye-ing." (crying) Thank you all for your prayers for her safe delivery.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pregnancy Ups & Downs

Been very lax on the updates. The PUPPPs is SO much better. I have no idea why! I haven't changed any of my remedies or activities, so I don't know what's working. Perhaps none of it! I'm just thankful that God has eased my misery.

Been on bedrest as of late though. This baby is eager to meet the world! I've had a couple bouts of premature labor, but things have been quiet in the past few days. We have to make it to Aug. 4th, then baby can come whenever they want!

I haven't been taking very many pics lately, here's a few from the 4th of July. She is growing up so fast!

This was on Mother's Day.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

PUPPs has taken over...


Last time I was pregnant, I ended up with a horrible itchy rash for the last 3 weeks of my pregnancy. I couldn't sleep. I scratched all the time. It was an itch that couldn't be ignored. I almost went a little nutty. But then I had the baby, and it got better.

I'm 29 weeks pregnant...and I have it again! Just as bad as last time. It's been building for a couple weeks and is full blown now. I'm having a really hard time imagining 2 1/2 more months of this. Please pray for me!

Thank you!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Jon would say.

These are a bit of a hodge-podge from the last few months. Wish I had more time, but such is life right now. Enjoy what little I got on here. :)

Here's my new nephew, Becket Emerson Nims!
Jon, with his girl, at his birthday party.
My little goof!
Saying "Hello"
Sunshine? What? Wow!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Evelyn Grace has discovered the world of verbal communication. Here we go! Right now, it is the cutest thing she's done yet.

Evie language:

Please = Dees
Bird = Burrr!
Winston (my sister's ferret) = Minta (repeat about a zillion times...followed by a happy squeal...)
Olive (my sister's pug) = O-eee
Aunty = Atee
Kitty = tittee

Sigh. The cuteness is probably most powerful on Mom & Dad, and that is what compels me to share it. However, it's much better in person. :)

Her little arms and legs are getting lankier. She's not as bald as she used to be. She runs. She can drink from her own sippy cup without help. She's pushing for independence...doesn't want to hold my hand when we walk anymore.

Why do they have to grow up so fast!?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Projects of late

I have been wintering this winter. All tucked away in my cozy house, riding out the low-energy, lack of interested in food, early pregnancy fun. Ignoring the icky feelings, I actually quite like it. I enjoy quiet afternoons knitting in Evie's room, drinking a cup of tea, and watching her toddle about. Here's a little project I worked on for her.

This is a project I am still in the middle of....I have 5 big kitchen windows! I really enjoy a bright kitchen. But before we moved in, they still had the motor-home-esque curtains up. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Why is it that manufactured homes and motor homes MUST use horrible, geometric patterns mostly consisting of teal and pale pink? So, I finally got some gumption (sp?) and bought fabric. At my pace, it takes a whole day to do one window, but they're coming along. :) The colors are hard to see, but I tried to match the antique blue ball canning jars that line the top of my cupboards. We used them in our wedding, and thus I love them!

The curtains:
The canning jars that I love:

Friday, January 29, 2010

Getting the word out...

For my family on Christmas day, we used a book called "I'm a big sister!" to announce.
Did the same for Jon's family.
Then we told lots of friends in person (since that really is more fun!)
And now, we're using the grand 'ol internet to spread the good news...

Evelyn IS going to be a big sister! For all who haven't heard, I'm pregnant! And now that the morning sickness seems to be fading, I feel like I can talk about it without that slight weary sound in my voice. :) Hooray!

The big day is set for August 25th, but we'll see what the Lord and our little sprout have to say about that. ;)

Friday, January 15, 2010

While I was sleeping...

My Mom watched Evie for me the other day while I was flat on my back with a fever and head cold. It's such a treat to be visiting my Mom when I get sick....I get to just be sick. I don't have to drag the bag of bones out of bed and be responsible. Anyway, she taught her some pretty cute stuff while I was asleep!

Here's her helping with the laundry...

In this one, my mom gave her one of those cards with a song inside. I think it's from Law & Order...So funny.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Been a While!

She's been working on that walking quite a bit since we've been visiting my mom and dad.

Also, pretty sure she's considering a career in home organization...

Very agreeable!