Tuesday, November 26, 2013


It's just an arbitrary number. But this year's birthday has me a little bit contemplative at the very least. It feels a tad like youth is behind me. But I'm sort of looking forward to wiser years ahead, God willing. 

It was a lovely day, regardless of the deep undercurrents. And all we have is today, anyway! I got to snuggle in bed with my baby girl while my husband made me breakfast and tea. Such a relaxing morning. And that loveliness was followed by a browse through my very favorite store and fish and chips at another favorite restaurant. Then, we discovered a new bakery! So much fun in one day! 

That last one shows Evie's present to me. She gave me a pair of her stick-on earrings. :) She treasures them, so I felt quite honored. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

My baby is FIVE!

I'm not sure how it happened, but Evelyn Grace is 5 today! Where did that tiny baby go? I still remember two days after she was born, sitting in the hospital waiting for Daddy to pull the car around. I looked into that tiny sleeping face, and I knew a new love. It hit me with a wave of tears. I had never loved like this before. It's unexplainable until you feel it, and when you do, you know. A mother's love. Evie-girl, I thank God that He let me feel that love for you. 

Her day started off with balloons and presents and her special requested breakfast...get this...YELLOW oatmeal! Ha! She cracks me up!

A puzzle!

Special socks!

Winding up her very own paracord "just like Daddy."

She shared a piece of her bubble gum with me, and I tried to teach her how to blow bubbles. 

The sticker earrings were a big hit!

This is a magnetic building set. I got a kick out of the "garden" that Libby built and garnished with fancy socks. 

The day continued with a piƱata party with our wonderful friends from up the hill (although missing our other set of hill-dwelling wonderful friends!). 

And it was here, right when I went to record a video of Evie blowing out her candles, that my phone said, "sorry, lady! I'm out of memory! No more pictures or video for you!" Ah! The timing!

So I have no pictures to prove it, but fun was had by all, and my big girl got to celebrate with her buddies. She even got to go pretend ice-fishing with her new hand-made flies and lures! Thanks, friends! 

It was a lovely day for my girl.