Thursday, July 9, 2009

She holds no grudges

And boy am I thankful! Yesterday, Evie rolled off the bed for the first time. :( I was literally at the bedside, just turned around to fold laundry...and two seconds later, "thump....WAAAAAAAA!" So sad! Sure makes me feel like a horrible momma when she cries like that! But about a minute later, she was all better, with a very minor scratch on her arm. Her first injury! Probably not the last, as she is VERY close to starting to crawl. 

Thankfully, though I might have been traumatized, she seems totally over it. :) No grudges. 

I have been very lax with pictures lately...mostly because I can't remember where the camera-to-computer cord is. We're still down at my Grandpa's, living on the farm. The blueberries and raspberries are ripe, so we're spoiled! There is talk of Idaho every day. Seems like I am in a constant state of "how can I pack this more efficiently? What do I need to keep out for the in-between time? Does this need to go in a mice-proof container?" Jon is working EVERY day to try and get us one step closer to moving. He's got a lot on his plate, but he's pushing forward. 

We're excited for our next adventure and enjoying the current one!


  1. Thanks for the update! I wonder on occasion how you are doing.

    Yes, I feel bad when my kids fall. And yes, they are very forgiving!

  2. That first fall is always the worst! Although, it seems I feel like the most horrible mother on earth each time it happens. I had Hannah on the change table in the bathroom a couple of months ago and turned to wash my hands when she decided to flip off. I caught her about an inch before her head hit the ground, for which I was VERY thankful, but she was still a terrified and sqaulling baby. Just after I got her (and myself) calmed down, Karl came in from outside wanting to know why I was taking so long to get ready to leave. When he found out, he just laughed at how quick my reflexes have become since being a mother!

    On a different note, I'm praying for you as you pack, repack, and adventure. Karl keeps trying to figure out a way we can fit visiting Cananda into those plans of yours!
