Thursday, June 11, 2009


It deserves a title in all caps! She LOVES it! She pretty much thinks the whole world is her bouncer, but when we got her a real bouncer, she was thrilled! *Note: craigslist is a fabulous place for used baby gear!*

It's so much more fun when it's video... Also, Frank Sinatra was playing in the background, and I swear she was bouncing to the beat! She's got some good taste in music!


  1. I'm in stitches! Oh my goodness! She is SOOO adorable! I love how much fun she is having. And its so obvious too. And I think you're right. She does have good taste in music!

  2. Thanks, Belle! I sure love having her around. :) And thanks for the moving well-wishes. I'm about to go check your blog and read an update on how your move went!

  3. I know what you mean when you say she thinks the world is her bouncer. My arms can get pretty worn out when holding Hannah for any length of time! I'm sure having a bouncer is a treat for both of you.

  4. Oh, I used to love those bouncers. One of those things I missed on the second round of children. Your Evelyn is too cute on hers. Love the video!
