Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Miss Lucy

She joined us on February 10th, 5 days before we expected her.

Early in the morning, I awoke. It wasn't long before I knew she was coming. There was a flurry of activity around me as I settled down to concentrate on the work to be done. Midwives arriving. Little girls shuttled off to friends. Supplies gathered. It wasn't long after that that we knew she would be coming rather quickly. Roughly an hour and a half after the midwife arrived, Lucy Irene joined us.

We were overjoyed that it had been quick. I was so thankful to be holding her, nursing her, looking over her every feature. I was mildly surprised to be holding another girl. I figured we were due for a boy, but oh, how I love girls!

Due to too much blood loss, I had to make an urgent trip to the hospital an hour after Lucy's birth. It was not how I expected to spend the first 24 hours with my girl, but I am truly thankful for all that modern medicine offers. They had me fixed up in a day's time and back home with my family. I am so thankful to be living where we are, with with our friends SO close by. :) Everything after the transfer to the hospital went so smoothly. I am so thankful that the Lord allowed the day to go that way.

With no further ado, here are some pictures of our new little love.


  1. I don't know... it looks like you're getting a handle on that newborn photography to me!

    She is beautiful, friend! You look pretty splendid yourself :-)

    Love you

  2. Congratulations, Jana! She's just beautiful!

    I had the exact same experience with my third baby (trip to the hospital because of too much bleeding) - and I'm hoping to not repeat that this time around! =)

    1. So you're a home birthing momma, too? That's pretty fun! Sorry to hear about your hemorrhage. I would sure be interested to hear any tips you learn to prevent/deal with it. I've had it with my last two, though it was more severe this time.

    2. Well, no, not at home, but we use a freestanding midwife-run birth center. Again, I've had the same experience - bleeding with both my last two, but the last was the worst! We considered using a hospital this time around just in case, but my midwife thinks that we'll be able to keep it under control. She has a few ideas, including giving me pitocin as soon as the baby is born, rather than waiting, and to possibly give it in an IV instead of a shot. That would allow me to get more faster, and hopefully help keep the bleeding under control. But I'll have to get back to you in a few months and let you know how it goes! =)

    3. I hope you have a much better experience! The ideas I've had are similar. 2 doses of pitocin immediately, not waiting for the bleeding to get bad. IV fluids immediately as well, to support fluid volume. Also, perhaps a catheter immediately, because a full bladder prevents the uterus from contracting properly. And nursing baby as much as possible!
