Monday, December 2, 2013


We listened to the story of the first few thanksgivings in our country while we drove to grandma's house. It was so good to be reminded of the value of thanking and praising the Lord for his provisions in difficult times. Thanksgiving is really a meaningful and wonderful holiday.

We then got to take part in a lovely family gathering. There was feasting and merrymaking. It was a good day.

Photo credit must go to my brother and my mom. Thanks, guys!

And I'm not a Black Friday shopper. I don't think I've ever been out on that day. But I needed some fabric, and I'm glad a went! Flannel for a $1.74/yd! What a deal!

We love Grandma's house! Always a good view!


  1. Where did you find the Thanksgiving stories? I'm always on the lookout for educational things to listen to in the car! Cute fabric! I got a bunch of that, too! =)

    1. It was a Thanksgiving podcast by a Bible teacher named Chuck Missler. You can find his podcast for free on iTunes. It wasn't really kiddo-speed, but Jon and I enjoyed it!
