Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Getting outside

Perhaps it's closer quarters, perhaps it's the weather, but we have been enjoying the out of doors this season! It's so much fun to see my girls exploring their world (sometimes with the help of their Daddy, as you can see). I have been so used to clean little munchkins, though, so allowing them to mingle with mud has taken some doing! It's funny. I always thought I'd be totally fine with my kiddos getting down and dirty with nature, but I actually have to take deep breaths and go with it! I'm laughing at myself as I type this. Maybe I need to have some boys. Maybe it's different with boys. Anyway, my girls are loving it. Daddy gave them a bucket of water and some cups and sticks, and they poured and played for over an hour. Evie was making soup in a puddle, sprinkling sand in here and there as seasoning. It's so good to see.

1 comment:

  1. It IS good to see! And it is hard for a momma to let go. We see all the ramifications to that mud and it usually interferes in some way with dinner preparations :-D

    Love you friend!
