Those pesky hormones! Sometimes I wish they were less powerful. I'm sure women would lose much of what is captivating and beautiful about us without them, but I am also convinced they are somehow linked to our sinful nature. Perhaps not the cause of it....but fuel for it? Definitely!!
Well, that's quite a preface, eh? Today was a day full of tears...many of them Momma's! That lump in my throat just wouldn't go away til I'd had myself a good cry. And boy did I! ...while washing dishes (after putting the girls down for a MUCH needed early bedtime). I've cried over dishes before, I'm pretty sure. These were not tears of self pity (I don't mind dishes THAT much). They were tears of "I'm seeking You now at the end of this hard day, but why can't I seem to seek You in the midst of the hard stuff!" and then they were tears of "Jesus, thank you so much for wiping my slate clean yet again." ...and then tears of longing and joy for my next home! I never used to long for heaven as I do now. I believe being a mom opened my eyes wider to the "fallen-ness" of this world.
I'm so thankful for the evenings. At the very least, they are a recharge--a time for me to get things straight in my head again! The tears in the middle of the day were frustrating, but the evening tears were cleansing.
Being a mom forces me to really SEE myself. Before my girls, the people in my life didn't reflect back my character to me. I would get feedback here and there for sure, but it was easier to shrink away from if I didn't like what I saw. But children are a different story! My girls see my every move. They mirror my reactions! If I'm short with Evie, she's short with Libby! And when they're not mirroring, how they are generally coping with the day is a direct reflection on me. It's incredible and inescapable. I'm forced to take a goooood look at little 'ol me. Phew. That can be rough!
But I'm convinced I've "grown up" more since my girls were born. And THAT is a good thing! I'm so so so thankful God blessed me with these two precious girls. I'm growing because of them (or at least learning that I need to grow!). AND they bring untold amounts of joy into my daily life. (can't seem to get this app to upload videos, but I captured Libby discovering the baby in the mirror for the first time today! Hilariously adorable!!)
Here's to hormones, children, crying, and dishes!
And here are a few pics from the day before the tears began to flow... :)
that sunset sure seems to come early these days!
Awe friend....
ReplyDeleteSome seasons I live there. True words you write.
You are on a hard patch of road as far as mothering is concerned Jana - You send your man off with hugs and he's not there many evenings. Your babies need you to meet ALL the needs (you have no big helper), you live far from those you'd pass time with and far from town that would offer diversion if you needed to change scenery. You are in the thick of hormones (I call them HOROR-mones)...
Cleansing is good. Finding that if all you have is Jesus, He is indeed enough.
None-the-less, I pray for a reprieve for your weary heart soon if it be to His glory! I hope that times of refreshing are close at hand. perhaps this is more than a snowy winter, but maybe a winter of the soul? Long for Jesus friend! He is All.
I love ya,
I love your name for hormones! Shows their true character! ;) thank you, thank you for the encouragement! Almost brought the tears back to know that you understand this season. SUCH a better day today. Kept my cool and kept my eyes upward. Well, there were some moments of struggling to look up, but it was better. It will sure be nice to be in your neighborhood!!