Evie language:
Please = Dees
Bird = Burrr!
Winston (my sister's ferret) = Minta (repeat about a zillion times...followed by a happy squeal...)
Olive (my sister's pug) = O-eee
Aunty = Atee
Kitty = tittee
Sigh. The cuteness is probably most powerful on Mom & Dad, and that is what compels me to share it. However, it's much better in person. :)
Her little arms and legs are getting lankier. She's not as bald as she used to be. She runs. She can drink from her own sippy cup without help. She's pushing for independence...doesn't want to hold my hand when we walk anymore.
Why do they have to grow up so fast!?
You're telling me! My oldest is going to be six! That is awfully adorable. Thanks for sharing!