I have been wintering this winter. All tucked away in my cozy house, riding out the low-energy, lack of interested in food, early pregnancy fun. Ignoring the icky feelings, I actually quite like it. I enjoy quiet afternoons knitting in Evie's room, drinking a cup of tea, and watching her toddle about. Here's a little project I worked on for her.

This is a project I am still in the middle of....I have 5 big kitchen windows! I really enjoy a bright kitchen. But before we moved in, they still had the motor-home-esque curtains up. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Why is it that manufactured homes and motor homes MUST use horrible, geometric patterns mostly consisting of teal and pale pink? So, I finally got some gumption (sp?) and bought fabric. At my pace, it takes a whole day to do one window, but they're coming along. :) The colors are hard to see, but I tried to match the antique blue ball canning jars that line the top of my cupboards. We used them in our wedding, and thus I love them!
The curtains:

The canning jars that I love: