Now it's time for a catch-up slideshow!
Starting with...
Our Father's Day Hike! We hiked in the Columbia Gorge, following a river bed. It was beautiful!
Here's father & daughter on the hike. She's working hard!
Here's the pug with the fear of water:
Evie & my mom. Such a good grandma!
Evie blew so many raspberries that she got a spit mustache!
Our attempt at a couple photo. Not so great, but proof that I was there!
It's always nice when there's a reward view at the end of a hike.
Soon after our hike, we headed up to Washington to a Log Home Building class with our good friends from California. AND I forgot to take pictures the WHOLE time. So sad! Such cute children! And immediately following that adventure, we headed down to my sister's cabin for a much needed week of vacation. That may sound silly to some who know that Jon has been out of "traditional" work for some time. It was more like a week of calm and and dreaming. I affectionately named it the "Calm before the Storm Week." Calm, because we have been SO busy moving around the countryside lately, and dreaming, because we have lots of adventures ahead of us. It's fun to talk about them all! During our week, the MORE good friends came to visit us! It was a delight to spend quality time with such old & true friends.
While 90% of the time was spent reading, drinking Earl Gray tea, taking bubble baths, and visiting with one another, there were a few outings. My good friend since 4th grade came to visit us! We went to the zoo! It just so happens that my amazingly talented sister led her team in designing the children's section of the zoo. So, I took some pics to brag about her. :) It's hard to capture how great it is on "film."
I also couldn't resist some animal photo-ops. They were just asking to have their pictures taken...
Crummy picture....BIG bear!
Evelyn's favorite part was the aquarium. It's hard to tell here, but she is LOVING watching the fish and sharks go by! Plus, it was a 90 degree day, and the aquarium was the one cool place. It was packed!
Here's my beautiful friend!
The next day at the beach was Independence Day! Hooray for Liberty! Thank you, Lord, for our Freedoms. You can see just how excited Evie was...
So there's this tradition down on Salmon Beach dubbed the "Bathtub Race" a.k.a. the Rowboat Race. I assume at some point some adventurous soul entered a bathtub in the race! Actually not surprising with the crowd down there! Unique is an understatement. Anyway, they all gather at one end of the beach by Cabin 101 at noon on the 4th, and with GREAT enthusiasm, race toward Cabin 1. And I DO mean enthusiasm! A motor boat runs up and down the beach during the race full of crazy folks blowing on a trumpet and banging on drums to encourage the racers. The racers are all decked out in various patriotic garb...though I'm not sure how some of it counts as tutu? The view from my sister's deck can't be beat! We had a front row seat to the race of the year!
There they all are gathering at Cabin 101. Hard to tell how many there are...
Some of the racers below...Can you see the giant liberty bell? It slowed them down quite a bit. There was also a guy who entered with a piece of floating Styrofoam. He came in last, but seemed to enjoy himself thoroughly.
Tutu, top hat, coconut bra, and fairy wings. He wasn't very fast either.
Isn't she a cutie! I'd say that's one of the best views a girl could have from her bouncer. (Not the fairy winged racer....the water and the mountains!)
Alas, our week of escape did end. We're back at my Grandpa's. The other day, we headed up to see Jon's parents and (for the first time) Evie's Great Granny. Got a few cute shots. Check out those feet!
She got to discover ice cubes! Great restaurant activity! Minimal mess and tons of fun!
Floor time.
She's getting so close! Video to come.
Oh, what great pictures Jana! Made me feel like I was right there with you... Which was a nice feeling cause I am stuck in my bed sick this week. :-P
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, your pictures are wonderful. Little Evie is growning so much! It's nice to be able to watch even from so far away.
I hope all is well with you and yours today.
Love, Heather