So today, I decided to document those things. I needed some proof that I am productive!
First things first. In order to be productive, one must nap the baby. Check!

Then, I started on the 4 loads of laundry I did today. How does one tiny girl add so much laundry to this family? This is load number 1:

Then, after load number two (baby still napping), I ironed. Never been a huge fan of this, but I am learning to appreciate it. I like to iron, because it means I am doing something to help my hubbins look nice.

Next, since we're moving in the near future, Jon and I are on a mission to purge! Thus, I purged. This is a stack of old papers that I am getting rid of! Hooray!

Then, dear little Evie woke up, and I fed her while paying bills. Ewe. But, alas, it has to be done. Why is it that you pay them and you pay them, yet they are never satisfied? ;)

And, as is common for my girl, Evie fell asleep after eating. It is very difficult for this momma to get up and go ANYWHERE when her little girl is sleeping on her. Thus, the day slowed down for a while.

After Jon got home and we ate dinner, I went to work making brownies for my Mum's birthday part tomorrow. Yum! (This was my favorite task of the day.) AND I did it with Evie in the front pack! (...that would be the ERGO...the best baby carrier out there...) And YES, that little portion missing from the small pan was my reward. :)

Next, I visited with my girl...after feeding her again. (I am sensing a pattern here.) Here's a cute little blurry smile!

Lastly, in between caring for my poor husband who came down with a migraine (the kind that makes you throw up), I finished the last load of laundry. Diapers! Here they are. Aren't they cute and orderly?

It is now 10:19 PM. I am thinking it is time for sleep now. I don't want to wake up Jon. Or Evie. She's conked out in the car seat. What's a girl to do? Stay up late, I suppose.
Oh, yes, one other thing worthy of note. Evelyn Grace is 3 months old today. It seems forever since that long day in the hospital when she was born. Amazing. I feel like she has been with us forever.
Oh Jana! I had to smile, this is so great! I can't believe how productive you are (I think I'd just nap with the baby). I just love all the pictures. You have the cutest baby. :)