Monday, September 23, 2013

Better Late Than Never

Lucy Irene is 7 months old!

She brings me such joy!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Quiet Days

When I was single, I used to call them my quiet days. 

I'd hole up in my room with a book or a movie or my journal. I'd put on "elasta-pants" (as a good friend used to call them) and a sweatshirt. I wanted peacefulness around me. Candles. Worship music. But the most common factor to those days was the lack of human interaction. 

Some might say that makes me an introvert...the fact that I'm recharged by these quiet days. I probably am. But there was probably a hormonal quality to those days too. I've had my share of lessons in hormones since those days. Since then, I learned that there really are hermit hormones! Did you know that prolactin (a breast feeding hormone) can actually cause a woman to feel like secluding herself and her baby from the world? 

Regardless of the cause, I have my quiet days. Only these days, they certainly aren't quiet. How does an introvert recharge with three chatty girls to tend to? Well, I haven't figured that out yet. But in the brief moments that I do have alone with my thoughts, I think this lack of quiet might have something to do with denying the flesh and relying on Him. 

He knows my needs. AND He made me mommy to these adorable noise-making, inquisitive creatures. 

I don't have this figured out. I fail. I fall. I snap at my girls. I sigh. I repent. I ask for strength... For wisdom and endurance. I receive. I hug that girl. I squeeze out a kind word. I hold back that rebuke. I resist the urge to hide my head under a blanket. Ha. Maybe not quite literally. But I get the sense that I couldn't do even that without Him. 

For the mommas out there serving their babies when they feel like hiding, I hear ya. I don't have the years of experience to have the whys and how's of all this, but I know there is purpose in it. 

And while I wonder, He has given me three undeniable blessings at which to marvel. 

They may be loud, but they are precious. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Trip Snipits

This was our first day on our big trip... Evie told me I should take a picture of the beautiful sunset. It was pretty, but that girl has many more sunsets to appreciate ahead of her. 

On the second day, we stopped at the place where Jon proposed. On that night 6 years ago, we stashed the rock that I sat on while he proposed. We always meant to go back and get it. When we finally made it, there it was, right where we left it!

Over where the girls are is right where we sat. It was a full moon that night. The water and the mountain shone brightly under that surreal light. 

We marveled at the new surreal feeling of bringing our three girls to the place where we shared that private moment. 

The next day, it was off to stand in a dear friend's wedding. It was an honor to help her get married!

Then, after a quick trip to the Washington coast, we headed to Grandma's. Lots of fun ensued. 

Jon and I even got a date! We found a spot that we definitely want to go back to! A rooftop restaurant with beautiful views! 

And then, though it seemed too short, it was time to head back home. 

It was a wonderful trip. Many memories made. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My little Libby is 3!

This little love of mine is my cuddly, sweet spirit. I adore her. While she is coming into her own 3 year old testing-mommy phase, she remains tender-hearted. I thoroughly enjoyed making a special day just for her. 

It included picking out what she wanted for meals:

Breakfast: eggs and toast
Lunch: yogurt & raspberries
Dinner: casserole ha! A girl after my own heart

And for her treat? She requested rainbow cake. A challenge! But thanks to Pinterest, I found a way to give that little girl her special request. Throw in a little face painting and some cousins, and we had a grand time. 

Libby wanted to have a clown face, but she was a little wiggly! The red nose kept having to get bigger as she squirmed. Anyway, not the effect I was going for, but she thought it was fabulous, and that's really what mattered. 

She got a little shy during the singing. :)

And the candle blowing! It's a good thing she has a big sis that is more than willing to help!

It was a great day! Such a great day that she was still tired the NEXT day at dinner!