Saturday, June 29, 2013

What is this??

Is my baby becoming a thumb sucker??

I've never had a thumb sucker. I love the pacifiers, because we have had such an easy time getting rid of them when the girls are too old to use them. But how does one take away a thumb? 

This is the first time I've seen her sucking it for comfort while asleep. Usually she just gnaws on it for fun while awake. I wonder if this will become a habit?

We had a break in the heat wave with thunderstorms today. Quite pleasant. I'm soaking up the cool weather before the 100+ days arrive this coming week. 

The big sisters were enjoying the day too. 

Adventuring on their mountain (also know  as a pile of fill dirt). 

And this was from the other day. I let E have Lucy in her bed for a bit to play (supervised, of course). She was such a good big sister. She made a fort and played for over an hour with Lucy. 

Lucy loved it!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Here are a few things going on this week:

Airstream projects:
1) new beds for the girls are in the works. 
2) a new dinning room set up. 
3) removing some unnecessary appliances. 

We took out the ice maker. I'm pretty sure ice makers in airstreams are from the era when cocktails were a high priority. Glamping back then included fancy drinks! However, I'm satisfied with a tray of ice in the freezer. Bye bye ice maker! We envision pull out shelving for this space in the future...

And here is the hole where the furnace used to be. Since we use alternative heating methods, this had to go too. After a few other projects get done, a new kitchen will be happening! Woohoo! Still dreaming about why I want to happen there. 

Also, I'm a lover of kombucha, and I usually just buy the stuff. We drink enough of it that I have thought of making it in the past, but it seemed daunting. Well, it still seems daunting, but I'm going to give it a go. My good friend makes it all the time, and she brought me a scoby (which is like a gooey mass of healthy bacteria that ferments the drink). It really looks like something you forgot about in the fridge for months. 

You put the scoby on top of a gallon of sweetened black tea and let it do it's thing for 5 days. Here are the directions I followed in case you're interested:

Here it is on day 1:

In a few more days, I'll add some fruit juice and let it sit 2 more days to get bubbly. I do love that fizzy drink! Here's hoping it works!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

55 and raining?

Well, THAT is quite a change from the other day! Idaho weather at its best. 

I find that I feel more connected with the elements living in an Airstream. You notice the swings in temperature a lot more. The rain reminds you of that leak that sprung up last winter. The sun is brighter and more cheerful through the panoramic windows. 

And today, I am embracing the rainy day. It feels so cozy in my nest (despite a drip or two here and there)! As the lyrics of my music blast out from my wireless speakers (a WONDERFUL Christmas gift from my man), "let your grace rain down!" Yes! It is a day to worship the Lord, just like every other day. Sigh. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Feelin' Hot Hot Hot

It's 92 degrees outside and close to that inside. And I'm still smiling! A year ago, I was in the very same temperatures, but I was pregnant. Lets just say I was NOT smiling then. There were tears. Lots of them. I was apprehensive about another Airstream summer, but I guess I didn't need to be. Apparently, it was the tiny person inside me turning up my internal thermostat that I couldn't handle. Not the weather. 

It's just beautiful outside. My girls are loving the country life. We are happily chipping away at little projects here and there. 

Thank you, Lord, for a peaceful season! 

And just because you can never have enough cute...

Isn't she adorable? She prefers to fall asleep while holding my hand. I imagine I'll have to break that habit at some point, but it's just the sweetest thing now. 

And doesn't she look wonderful in her summer duds today?

Love that girl!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

My sweet girls and their take on their daddy...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A little plug...

My sister in law, Ty, has started a little used clothing & accessories store on Instagram. She has some super trendy stuff! Follow her at Bowtythrifter to check it out! 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tonight's Thoughts

I'm melancholy tonight. I'm going to remind myself that most of it is probably hormones. But because that doesn't actually take away the feelings, I'm going to explore them a bit. 

Why? Why am I so short-tempered with my big girls this evening? Why do I feel incompetent for not knowing what my baby needs to get to sleep? Why do I feel so small and meaningless in this world tonight?

Probably because of hormones. 

But maybe it has something to do with a few other things. 

Maybe it has to do with seeing that a girl that looked up to me in high school is recently married to a man that shares her passion to share Jesus with the lost. They just arrived in Uganda where they are building a playground for street children and interning with local midwives. 

That's pretty close to what I dreamed of doing way back in high school. Where did I end up? 

I'm a mom to three little girls. They take everything out of me every day. It's a full time job. There is no energy left for other "ministries" at the end of the day. No glamorous trips to foreign countries to serve. No using of the degree I worked so hard to complete. 

I dreamt of one thing and am living another. 


As I sat on my cozy bed, changing one more diaper this evening, I pondered these things. Who sees what I do here? Often no one. If I was in Africa, everyone would know what I was doing. "Oh? My daughter, Jana? She's a missionary in Africa..." Hmm. How much of my dream was just for the pride of it all? Was there much of Christ in my motives? It's hard to remember. 

But now. I change diapers for the needy and helpless. I make meals for the toddler who really isn't grateful. (Don't get me wrong, I am trying to train for that, but at this age, she knows nothing else but being waited on.) I wipe a potty trainer who can't do it herself yet. They feel entitled to my help, not grateful. They know nothing else, and I don't wish them to. I don't want them to know what it's like to call for mom and not have her come. 

But it occurred to me that in one sense, being a stay at home mommy is a lowly job. Society places virtually no value on it. To them, children belong in daycare and school. There is no need for a woman at home. And those children, whom we serve, also place little value on it when they're small. 

Perhaps, by being a stay at home mom, I am closer to Christ than I would be if I knew the "glamor" of the foreign mission field. Perhaps, my role humbles me more here. 

I believe many other moms wiser than myself have meditated on this subject before it ever occurred to me. 

I hope that the Lord will keep my heart soft enough to be touched by these thoughts. I hope that He will help me to avoid the trap of seeing my job as society does instead of how He does. I hope He will help me know Him better as I walk a path out of the spotlight. I hope my children will somehow grow to love Him through this process. 

Thankfully, my husband truly values what I do. He says over and over how he couldn't live his life at all the same without my willingness to serve him and our he needs me to do this for him. That is balm in times where it's hard to see my purpose and value. 

I wonder how I will view all this in 20 years when age has (hopefully) brought wisdom. 

The Lord is good to give me such sweet faces to enjoy in this process. My heart aches with the love of this girl 

Speaking of that girl, she just woke up from a cat nap. Duty calls. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Airstream bassinet

Lucy needed her own spot in the airstream. Our improvised sleeping arrangements were getting old for everyone. So, my man set about figuring out a solution for her! It's just perfect. Her own little nest!

Once he finished building it, he asked me to figure out how I would like it finished. I did a little thinking and decided to try a stain I found on Pinterest. There were many links about, so I read a bunch and took the high points from them all. 

To make the initial stain, I poured white vinegar over a pad of steel wool and let it sit for about 3 days. I was going to test it after 24 hrs, but it got set aside in favor of other know, the feeding the children & keeping the house kind. :)
The initial concoction:

One site recommended painting the wood with black tea first. The vinegar solution reacts with the tannins in the wood to create the color change, but some wood doesn't have enough tannins in it to elicit the reaction. That's where the tea comes in. Black tea has plenty of tannins. Here is my test strip of fir with varying coats of tea painted on prior to the vinegar solution:
Here is the pine test (pine has very little tannins):

The bassinet was made with fir, and I didn't like how dark the test strip was. I had do to a little alchemy to get it to the color I wanted. I ended up dilution the vinegar solution 100:1 with water before I got the color I wanted. Also, I didn't use any tea! 

Here is the finished project:

The top edge is actually naturally weathered scrap wood, so you can see what a great color match it ended up being!

Here's Lucy checking it out:

And here's how it fits right by our bed. Please excuse the messy bed and improvised headboard. (There is a real headboard in the works in the near future.)
"Mom, I'm trying to nap here!"

Obviously, this is a temporary solution, since the sweet sprout will be getting pretty mobile soon, but I love it for now! Thank you, husband, for taking the time to make Lucy a bed!!

I'm noticing a theme...

How about you?