Friday, January 29, 2010

Getting the word out...

For my family on Christmas day, we used a book called "I'm a big sister!" to announce.
Did the same for Jon's family.
Then we told lots of friends in person (since that really is more fun!)
And now, we're using the grand 'ol internet to spread the good news...

Evelyn IS going to be a big sister! For all who haven't heard, I'm pregnant! And now that the morning sickness seems to be fading, I feel like I can talk about it without that slight weary sound in my voice. :) Hooray!

The big day is set for August 25th, but we'll see what the Lord and our little sprout have to say about that. ;)

Friday, January 15, 2010

While I was sleeping...

My Mom watched Evie for me the other day while I was flat on my back with a fever and head cold. It's such a treat to be visiting my Mom when I get sick....I get to just be sick. I don't have to drag the bag of bones out of bed and be responsible. Anyway, she taught her some pretty cute stuff while I was asleep!

Here's her helping with the laundry...

In this one, my mom gave her one of those cards with a song inside. I think it's from Law & Order...So funny.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Been a While!

She's been working on that walking quite a bit since we've been visiting my mom and dad.

Also, pretty sure she's considering a career in home organization...

Very agreeable!