My Grandpa's farm is one of my favorite spots on this earth. Thanks to my late Grandma, the avid gardener, the place still blooms in the spring, and it is a sight to see! My Grandpa and my mom & dad continue to plant each spring, and this year Jon & I wanted to be a part of it!

Now, despite all these leisurely shots, we really did join in! In fact, we worked hard. Jon has the sunburn to prove it. We've been wanting to learn how to put in a vegetable garden. Having no more than a postage stamp yard ourselves, we knew we'd have to look elsewhere if we wanted to garden this season. We took our Bakercreek heirloom seeds with us, and asked if we could try our hand at it. This is the flower garden. I helped Mom plant pansies, petunias, snapdragons, and gladiolas. Digging in the dirt, I felt I was helping to carry on Gram's legacy. I can't wait to see what pops up!

Here's my little row of romaine lettuce!

These are the cute little onions that Jon planted. We are going to be up to our ears in onions! (Note: Jon first had to spread tons of compost over the garden, till it 4 times, then rake it out before we could plant. Lots of work!)

And here's where we planted some of the Bakercreek seeds. It's going to be a little herb garden right outside the kitchen. Yum. We also tried some Stevia. I hear it's a good alternative sweetener. Of course, I will have to read up on how to turn the actual plant into the usual sweeteners... minor detail... ;) (Another note: Evie was very helpful! She napped in the ergo on my back for a while...then she napped in her carseat in the shade...then she napped in the crib mom has for her in the house...gotta love this girl!)

And here are a few of our starts in the sun room/green house. The more I grow up, the more I realize that my grandparents really planned their house well. I always just though the sun room was a nice place to sit and look at the view, but it's rather practical!

It was such a lovely weekend. It felt like vacation.